Bionic leg is controlled by brain power - Los Angeles Times

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Bionic leg is controlled by brain power - Los Angeles Times
Sep 26th 2013, 03:03

Wall Street Journal

Bionic leg is controlled by brain power
Los Angeles Times
The act of walking may not seem like a feat of agility, balance, strength and brainpower. But lose a leg, as Zac Vawter did after a motorcycle accident in 2009, and you will appreciate the myriad calculations that go into putting one foot in front of the other.
First mind-controlled bionic leg a 'groundbreaking'
Amputee: Bionic leg controlled by brainwaves "blew my mind"CBS News
Natural nerves improve robotic leg performanceReuters
Bloomberg -WWLP 22News -Wall Street Journal
all 15 news articles »

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